Giappone itinerari per sognatori
Japan itineraries for Dreamers ドリーマーのための日本の旅のしおり
I illustrated a book authored by Stefania @prossimafermatagiappone, an Italian who has been living in Japan.
Along with Stefania’s dreamy and inspiring text, the book introduces recommended places to go in the spring and summer seasons.
You’ll travel to Japan with a lot of tips and historical knowledge that were researched by her.
It introduced deep and pop places that I, as a Japanese, didn’t know about and would like to visit, rather than the places and events introduced in a typical tour.
this project started many years ago, and I spent more than a year illustrating it. It was a lot of work, but I’m glad finally we made it.
@nuinui_books @nuinui_books_fr
The book was also published in French.
日本に住んでいるイタリア人のステファニアさん@prossimafermatagiappone の著者の本のイラストを描きました。
@nuinui_books @nuinui_books_fr